Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday - Day 6

So, I won't be counting down ever single day, but I don't know the date and don't want to look it up!

WOW, it is amazing what can change in a week. One week ago I was asking my husband to make a donut run. Seriously, I need donuts like I need a hole in my freaking head. Today I am sitting with my daughter putting puzzles together (well, she is) and I am looking through ww recipes trying to find some good recipes. I am STOKED at how well I've done so far. I have definitely used my flex points.... but not all of them. I made hamburger.helper last night which sucked and was 13 points and I realized that I need to change what I am cooking so I can have food that doesn't take as many points and may possibly taste better. Of course, it was what I had and typically the kids will eat it and we are really watching pennies so I didn't want to spend money when we had food here.

NOW I am planning on making fish. I typically detest fish and anything like it. However, it is good for me and low in points. I can choke down a fish dish at least once a week I think. SO, we'll try it.

Yesterday I did 25 minutes on the elliptical and toning and abs too! I have journaled everything I ate and drank too. I even had wine and counted it all. I cannot remember a time in the last several years that I actually adhered to a diet program for any period of time much less 5 consecutive days. It reassures me that I chose the right diet plan for this phase of my weight loss. I need to be better about food choices and eating veggies. That is a HUGE downfall for me. When you have a 13 pt serving of hamb.helper and no veggies, that isn't healthy in anyone's books.

Anyway, I am feeling very encouraged. Not to mention that I stepped on the scale and am looking at seeing a reduction in weight. YIPPEE! I need to remember this isn't just about weight. I can be skinny and unhealthy too, but that beats fat and healthy! Seriously, if I am doing this for long term health I need to eat more veggies, drink less diet pop (I am addicted), and get my water in.

In a nut shell, I have a long way to go, but at least I started!

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