Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 1 - Weigh In!

I survived week 1!

Weight this morning: 266.5
Weight last week: 275.5
Weight Loss: 9.0
New BMI: 43 (Still Morbidly Obese)

Other Achievements this week
  • I journaled EVERY bite I took
  • I exercised four days!
  • I made fish one day - this is big for me, because I have never liked it and never made it
  • I did not use all of my flex points for the week, but I used most of them. Most importantly I never went completely overboard!

So I am down 9, but really 7 from the first weigh in! This is definitely my lowest weight so far for 2009. I'd like to pass my lowest weight from 2008, which was 257, so that is my goal in the next few weeks!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday - Day 6

So, I won't be counting down ever single day, but I don't know the date and don't want to look it up!

WOW, it is amazing what can change in a week. One week ago I was asking my husband to make a donut run. Seriously, I need donuts like I need a hole in my freaking head. Today I am sitting with my daughter putting puzzles together (well, she is) and I am looking through ww recipes trying to find some good recipes. I am STOKED at how well I've done so far. I have definitely used my flex points.... but not all of them. I made hamburger.helper last night which sucked and was 13 points and I realized that I need to change what I am cooking so I can have food that doesn't take as many points and may possibly taste better. Of course, it was what I had and typically the kids will eat it and we are really watching pennies so I didn't want to spend money when we had food here.

NOW I am planning on making fish. I typically detest fish and anything like it. However, it is good for me and low in points. I can choke down a fish dish at least once a week I think. SO, we'll try it.

Yesterday I did 25 minutes on the elliptical and toning and abs too! I have journaled everything I ate and drank too. I even had wine and counted it all. I cannot remember a time in the last several years that I actually adhered to a diet program for any period of time much less 5 consecutive days. It reassures me that I chose the right diet plan for this phase of my weight loss. I need to be better about food choices and eating veggies. That is a HUGE downfall for me. When you have a 13 pt serving of hamb.helper and no veggies, that isn't healthy in anyone's books.

Anyway, I am feeling very encouraged. Not to mention that I stepped on the scale and am looking at seeing a reduction in weight. YIPPEE! I need to remember this isn't just about weight. I can be skinny and unhealthy too, but that beats fat and healthy! Seriously, if I am doing this for long term health I need to eat more veggies, drink less diet pop (I am addicted), and get my water in.

In a nut shell, I have a long way to go, but at least I started!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

April 23, 2009

Three days in a row where I have been on program! WOO HOO! This has to be some kind of record. Yesterday I logged 25 minutes on the elliptical plus I did abs and arms. I am looking forward to the time I can endure higher intensity workouts, but for now I am just happy that I am DOING them!

Today will be a challenge. I have a doctor's appointment to discuss my back problems with a real orthopedic doctor and I have to take both kids with me. Hopefully we won't be waiting for 3 hours like the last time I had to take them with me to a doctor.

Sometimes I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror from a random angle and I cannot BELIEVE how far out of control I have gotten. I know that we all are a little out of touch with how we look to other people that see us 3D from all angles. I remember when I had lost a lot of weight before I would make my husband point out people that were approximately the same size as I was, because although I weighed around 140 pounds, in my head I still looked like I weighed 200. Now I feel like I have the opposite thing going on. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I look at cute and everything, but I also don't think I realize how BIG I actually appear to other people.

Enough of that negativity! The good part is, I am doing something about it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

April 22, 2009

Well, I have successfully made it through TWO days on the wagon. YIPPEE! The was a lot of good food at the play date yesterday and I had all of 3 cheese squares and some cauliflower. She served us lunch and I had some pasta salad and regular green salad. It was good, I had smallish portions and I COUNTED THE POINTS. I think I over estimated a little and I made broccoli cheese soup for dinner. It was not a weight watchers recipe and I calculated the points and counted them. I will admit I was quite hungry last night, but didn't want to eat after 8:00.

SO, my short term goals are as follows:

1. Calculate the points on everything and journal everything
2. Do not eat after 8:00
3. Work toward eating all of the required vegetables and drink all of the water required.

After I feel that I am comfortably doing this I can set new goals for myself.

I feel pretty good so far. I think I made the right diet plan choice for myself at this point in my weight loss journey.

As a side note... the kids did great at the play date and were EXHAUSTED after. It was a wonderful long nap for little guy!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 2.........

I actually made it all the way through the first day of my new ww diet. I journaled everything I put in my mouth and I am so proud. It is really sad that a big victory for me is that I actually stayed "on" plan for one whole freaking day on a diet. BUT, that is the low that I had sunk to. I had gotten so out of control that I couldn't even make it through one freaking day without eating half of my kitchen.

I have TONS of room for improvement. First of all, I need to reacquaint myself with this thing called a vegetable. I have heard about it and I suspect that I own some because my children eat them, but I need to identify and eat. Of course I will not be perfect overnight.... or ever.

Now for the truly shocking revelation..... I worked out on my elliptical machine yesterday for 20 minutes. Holy Moly.

Now to survive the play date. Hopefully I can just say no and go on about my day. I refuse to turn down opportunities to make friends and socialize because I am either too embarrassed about how I look or because I am afraid I will be surrounded by tempting foods.

It makes me sad to admit this, but actually staying on program for one whole day has given me confidence. I was so lacking in confidence that I didn't even think I could make it through one day. I have endured so many hard times in my life. I have accomplished amazing things, but my weight is the one thing that I failed at and the one thing that made every accomplishment moot. Instead of assessing my value as a child of God or as a person with love and accomplishments I have put all of my value on my failure to lose weight, or on my fatness. It's pathetic, because I would never assess another person based on weight.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday - Starting WW

Well I weighed in this morning and I managed to gain 2 pounds last week. I am hoping it is water retention and will go away quickly! It's pretty depressing, to be honest.

On the positive side, I went for a walk yesterday with the family and did some resistance training and crunches. I have to strengthen the muscles on my back so this won't happen again. My back is feeling SO much better, it is unbelievable. I'll be taking little man on a walk in a while.

I am starting the WW plan today. I have all of my old materials out, calculated how many points I should be eating (roughly 1,000 thanks to my weight) and am ready to go.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday Fun....

I am finally feeling recovered (for the most part) from my back muscle strain. I actually started some of my strength training today with hand weights for arms and back and crunches. I am about to go for a walk, as soon as my little guy decides to take a nap.

The food hasn't been great, but I have reviewed my WW stuff and am starting tomorrow! We've had a great weekend with lots of rain, but the house is in good shape and our laundry is caught up!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday, Friday!

Good news, everything went fine with the mammogram and I am A-OK.

MORE good news (can you handle it) is that my back is better. I am still super stiff, but the sharp pain I've been dealing with for 3 weeks now is SO much better.

Not so good news... I have been eating a LOT and I drank a bottle of wine. Wine is my big downfall. However, I am not discouraged at all, because now that my back is better I can start getting exercise again and the food will come. I am going to follow weight watchers with the old materials that I have and that is that!

I went to the park today with my youngest (oldest was in school) and I looked around at all the moms. Some are skinny and even one or two were bigger than I am. My goal is that next year at this time, I go and do not obsess about how fat my butt looks in my pants. Actually, I didn't obsess about it today much, but I definitely feel like an NFL linebacker playing football with a bunch of 5 year olds!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Candy....

I will be SO happy when the Easter candy is out of the house! I think if I had older children they would know exactly how many of every type of candy they were given and they would be mad if something was missing. With my kids, they don't know so there is no drama surrounding me stealing a jelly bean or 50. Yeah, that means it is my kids' fault that I am fat. It is totally their fault. Not the Easter bunnies fault for buying the crap or my fault for having zero self control.

Today I have my first mammogram so that should be.... fun? No, but at least I am doing it. It is diagnostic so I will leave with the all clear or I guess not all clear and go about my life!

On the positive side, after 3 weeks, I am slowly starting to think that my back is getting better. The original injury site still hurts really bad, but in general my pain level is decreasing and I am getting around better. Of course, the rest of my back is stiff because of my lack of activity. I am hoping to change the lack of activity part very soon!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Car, Train or Airplane?

Right now I am not following any "diet" plan, other than trying NOT to eat everything in front of my face. If I need to lose this weight (starting with the first 60), I need a plan. I think which diet plan I choose is more important than ever since I am recovering from a painful back strain and cannot really move. The way I look at it there are three options for "diet" plans that are best for me:
1. South Beach Diet
2. Weight Watchers
3. Common Sense

I have been successful in the short term with both SB and WW. Obviously common sense hasn't worked for me or I wouldn't be in a position to need to lose half of myself. HOWEVER, I AM of the opinion that in the long term diets don't work. I really don't think they do. They help to lose weight and they have "maintenance" programs or whatever, but I don't think they work for ME. I think for a lot of people they do, but NOT ME.

So, I am throwing out #3 because obviously the kind of common sense I have with regards to dieting would work better as a cave person or bear storing up for the winter.

Now, pros and cons. These are pros and cons for ME, not any other dieter because I am sure other people would mostly make better choices for me.

  • My husband likes this diet best, so he'd be more helpful
  • Once on this diet a few days, the sugar cravings really do go away
  • I was successful in losing 20 pounds before, but quickly gained it back
  • It forces me to heat the most healthfully
  • I have the book and many cookbooks

CONS (for me)

  • Too much prep time - I feel like I have to "cook" every single meal. This basically boils down to me not being a good cook and not liking to do it only for me
  • Not very flexible - since there are so many thing you CANNOT eat, when I am in a situation and I eat something not necessarily high in calories but not "approved" on SB, I tend to feel like I have completely blown the diet and pig out all day long (and maybe for the next few days). Normal people wouldn't have this problem, they'd probably have the snack/whatever and go about their day. NOT ME!



  • Flexible because you can eat anything, as long as you do not go over your daily points
  • I am anal and something like this where you are counting and calculating works for me
  • I lost over 50 pounds on this and kept it off for 2 years, so I've had some success
  • I have all of the materials from 7 years ago when I lost the weight and many cookbooks.


  • When I did it before, I tended not to make the healthiest choices. If I only had 18 points to eat, I may have had a snickers bar, 2 tacos and grapes.

Obviously for me, the smartest thing to do would probably be to marry both plans together. Money is an issue for us, so I need to plan meals that are inexpensive and healthy. Sounds easy enough, right? I have to make this work this time, because if I don't I will NOT be around for my kids and that makes me sad.

Monday, April 13, 2009

More Information...

Because I am a glutton for punishment, I decided to find out what my BMI is. It is 44.1 which is in the morbidly obese catergory. I'm no medical professional, but I don't think that is good...

The Beginning....

For every journey there has to be a beginning, or a starting place. That starting place for me is today.

Now, when you decide you need to go somewhere, there needs to be a reason.... The reason for my journal is that I need to get healthy. Somewhere in the last 30 some years I have managed to add approximately 266 pounds to my normal 7 pound birthweight. So, for the mathematically blessed that would mean that I weight around 273 pounds. 273.5 to be exact. Obviously I didn't gain over 100 pounds overnight, so the thought has occurred to me many times that I needed to get a handle on my weight.

A good friend of mine told me that I would receive a "wake up call" that would finally get me going. Well, I got a couple of calls. One was the result of my cholesterol test I just had taken which came up with a result of 272. Yes, my cholesterol is just slightly less than what I weigh. And it's a lot! Secondly, I hurt my back. Bad. If had a little bit of core muscle strength, it wouldn't have happened. I've been laid up for several weeks now and am not feeling very positive.

Luckily I have my faith and I am determined to do something. I may not be able to move much, but I can still control what I put in my mouth. Hopefully, this blog will track my recovery from my back injury and weight loss.

Today is the start and I am planning on weighing in every Monday and to chart my progress from the prior week. My first goal that I am counting down to is my cholesterol retest in six months. My goal is to have my retest in the middle of October, so let's say October 15th. That is 185 days from today. I would like to lose 60 pounds by then. I don't know if it is realistic given the fact that my back is messed up, but I hope that it will be better soon so I can start exercising.......