Thursday, June 11, 2009

Stuck in the mud

I have had a headache for the past several days. I am NOT feeling any motivation to workout or eat healthy. My husband has been working a lot so I feel like a single mom, although I know that single moms have it WAAAAAAY harder than I do.

I WANT TO STUFF MY FACE. I also want to cry. The weather isn't great, so we aren't doing anything. Plus we are watching our money closely, so I don't feel like we can do anything that costs money.

I know that eating will not help me achieve the things I want to achieve. I KNOW that. But why is food so seductive?

I am also noticing that the closer I am to God, the happier I am and the better I adhere to my diet. I haven't made the time to read my Bible lately, and I wonder if that is part of the problem?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Week 7 Weigh In

254. NO CHANGE. I am actually THRILLED about this because I didn't have a great week and we had company over the weekend which ended yesterday with a big heavy lunch at Red Robin followed by thick milkshakes. They were yummy. I wasn't hungry the rest of the day, so I didn't eat dinner. I did have an ice cream sandwich last night though.

I really want to do well and get below 250. That would be huge for me. I need to buckle down!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Week 6 Weigh In

Well, well, well....
254 this morning. I am VERY happy about this, since I ate about 6 large pizzas a week ago. Okay, not 6, but I ate too much! However, I picked myself up and got right on the dieting bandwagon again. Pretty much unheard of for me to do that.

Yeah me! This means I have lost 19.5 pounds! Double Yippee!

This weight is significant since it is my lowest weight in all of 2009 and it is lower than my weight ever was in 2008! My lowest 2008 weight was 256. My new BMI is 40.99.

I am definitely seeing change in my food choices and my will power. I bought my family donuts on Saturday morning because my daughter was begging for them and they haven't had them in a while. I got 2 extra and I ate 0! Side note: I am the only overweight member of the family, and my children eat very healthfully, so things like this are truly a once or twice a year treat.

Also - when I am out and starving, I am making much better food choices. After church we realized we needed to run my child to the doctor. After all that was over it was 3 and I hadn't eaten lunch. He had at least had some raisins and pretzels, but we were both starving. I got a grilled chicken sandwich. From one of my favorite burger places, too.

My next goal is to get below 250. I'll just concentrate on that for now!