Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Some Things Change and Others Remain the Same

There are a lot of times where I feel like I have really made a positive change in my eating habits. I definitely strive to make better choices at restaurants. I avoid foods I know will set me over the edge. When I have limited options or NO healthy options, I try to have a single serving of what is there and move on.

Until yesterday.

I was at a birthday party we had travelled to and there was pizza and cake. Seriously, that was it. I had 2 pieces of pizza because I was starving and had no cake. I was feeling proud of myself. See, pizza has always been a weak point for me. Also, it is important that while I lose weight, I also come up with habits that are sustainable in the real world. I was okay with my choices.

Then we left and the hostess insisted we take pizza with us. A LOT of pizza and we were stuck in the car for 5 hours. It turned ugly. I wasn't even hungry, but bored and it was THERE.

I have a long way to go and I feel sick and mad at myself today. BUT, I cannot change what I did. The next thing I need to avoid is turning it into a week long binge. I am doing so well and I want to keep it up!

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